Your business is our business because your growth is our growth.

FREE End User Support- Benefits!
With EastSolid End User Support, when any one of your customers have a support question(s), they will be able to email which gets forward over to our in-house support desk. Once the email is received, your customers will get an auto-responded email confirming they have opened up a ticket and a custom greeting can be inserted by you in this auto-responded email. One of our staff members will look at the email (ticket) that your customer has opened up and respond back. Our staff will always respond back with your company signature (acting as your staff) and the email is sent from Your customers will never even know about us! In fact, EastSolid is not mentioned anywhere, and is replaced with your company name. All our staff members are in-house and not out-sourced to places like India. Our staff do communicate with each other and take pride in helping/answering each and every ticket we receive.

Do you have a question? If so, feel free to email the sales department. sales department is open seven days a week here to answer ALL your questions about any of our services. From technical questions to find out which plan is right for you, we will guide you through the whole process with no pressure to buy! Who knows, if you email us, you might find out about any specials we may have.

BONUS Features Free Reseller End User Support
Anonymous Mail Sender IP
Anonymous DNS
Your Company Name
Your Company Signature
Anonymous Email Headers
Ticket Limit
350 Emails per month (spam not counted)
Hours of Operation
Supported Email Address
One included
Support Questions
Technical Support Only
Paid Features Paid Reseller End User Support
All Free Features
Included + Below
Online Help Desk (on your site)
Supported Email Address
Two included
Ticket Limit
1,000 Emails per month (spam not counted)

Do you have a question? If so, feel free to email the sales department. sales department is open seven days a week here to answer ALL your questions about any of our services. From technical questions to find out which plan is right for you, we will guide you through the whole process with no pressure to buy! Who knows, if you email us, you might find out about any specials we may have.

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